To this day, the wonderful moments of Cannes still flash back before our eyes. The week of Cannes Festival was undoubtedly splendid and colorful, we completed our knowledge of the industry with one in-depth dialogue and exchange, and we also gained new knowledge from one excellent work.

The last day of Cannes was also the final chapter of our trip. We watched the outstanding advertising works of the past seven decades in the Debussy Cinema, where we broke the barriers of time and space and witnessed the power of creativity to change the world together with the best advertising and marketing people from all over the world.

The seventy years of advertising works were like a microcosm of the times, effortlessly embodying the style of the times. We see the world change in the development of advertising and the progress of the industry in the development of advertising.

The evening concluded with a dinner where everyone enthusiastically shared what they had seen and heard throughout the week. During the week, we have become the best partners, although we didn't act together completely, but we all have different gains in each activity, so it is especially important to communicate with each other. We all gained nutrients from the information of different perspectives and gained a broader perspective.

The trip to Cannes is over, but I believe the strength it brought me will last for a long time!